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Pakistan and China

Pakistan has a long, strong relationship with China. As one of the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China, diplomatic relations between the two countries began in the mid 20th century. Today China is Pakistan's 3rd largest trading partner, and Pakistan's foreign policy focuses on maintaining close relations with China. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an infrastructure project underway that would hugely benefit both countries. Pakistan shares a border with China, and has served on several occasions as the bridge between China and other parts of the world; Pakistan helped facilitate the 1972 Nixon meeting. 


This paper was written for an ethics course that focused on human rights from an Asian Perspective. While I had the opportunity to study a topic concerning China, this was one of my first opportunities to study other Asian countries and I leapt at the opportunity to broaden my knowledge of Asian Studies. The conversation on honor killings and gender based violence in Pakistan is not one that easily applies to China or other Asian countries. The tools I used in writing this paper, however, are applicable to any future case involving study of Chinese culture. This paper required months of quality in depth research, making an effort to move past Western stereotypes and ideals, and attacking the topic from multiple perspective, including the perspectives of the perpetrators, in order to fully analyze all motives and beliefs.  

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© 2017 by Brynna Freitag
St. Olaf College

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