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BIO 关于我

Details 个人简介

Hello! My name is Brynna Freitag (Chinese name: Feng An An) and I am a Physics and Chinese major at St. Olaf College. I'm originally from Ridgefield, WA and enjoy playing soccer, cooking, and playing with my dog. I also love to travel and have studied abroad in Budapest, Costa Rica, and China. I had never studied Chinese before attending St. Olaf, and was surprised when I fell in love with the language. Since then I have studied ten semesters of Chinese language and participated in an intensive language immersion program through CIEE. After graduation I will be attending graduate school to earn a degree in Mechanical Engineering, but I am constantly searching for ways to continue using my language ability. 

你好! 我叫 Brynna Freitag(中文名:冯安安),我是圣奥拉夫学院的物理和中文专业。 我来自西澳大利亚州的里奇菲尔德,喜欢踢足球,做饭和跟我的狗玩耍。 我也喜欢旅行,并在布达佩斯,哥斯达黎加和中国留学。 我在来圣奥拉夫之前从未学过中文,当我爱上这门语言时,我也感到很惊讶。 从那时起,我一共学习了十个学期的汉语,并通过CIEE参加了一个强化语言的沉浸式课程。 毕业后我将进入研究生院取得机械工程学位,但我一直在寻找方法继续使用我的语言能力。

© 2017 by Brynna Freitag
St. Olaf College

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